Practical Report Automation Using Excel VBA (PAR)
Hossam El-Hadidy
Hossam El-HadidyInstructor

Practical Report Automation Using Excel VBA (PAR)

Round 01, Jul 2022

Duration : 35 Hours

Sessions : 3 Lessons


Language : ARABIC


  • In Practical Automated Reporting Using Excel VBA (PAR Course), you will learn the concept of Report  Automation , and how to Reduce Rapidly the time and effort needed to create Periodic Reports by automate Complex Tasks with Microsoft Excel VBA & Excel Macros .
  • What would take hours to be done by traditional ways in Excel Could be Created in Some Cases in few Seconds using the proper VBA Code and Excel other Functions.
  • In this Course , You will learn the basics of Excel VBA , and apply what you learnt on Fully automated Periodic Reports & Tools.

  • In the first Part of PAR Course ,You will learn the basics of Excel VBA , Beginning by the macro recorder for simpler tasks, then Working with the Visual Basic Editor , VBA Basics that will allow you to create more complex tasks and reports.
  • In  the  Second  Part  of  PAR  Course  ,You  will  apply  what  we  learnt  on  practical Reports, starting by Layout Progress Coloring Report , Weekly Progress Report , Biweekly Planning Report , Dynamic Dashboard .
  • Finally we would create 2 Tools , Baseline Creation tool to automate the process of  copying  Building  ,  Villa,  Floors,  Also  we  would  Create  BOQ  To  P6 Resource Dictionary Tool.


  • Planning Engineers.
  • Senior Planning Engineers.
  • Cost Control Engineers.
  • Project Controls Engineers.
  • Anyone Interested in Reporting & Report Automation.

What you will learn?

  • Learn the Basics of VBA Programming Language .
  • Automation of your Reports whenever possible.
  • Rapidly Minimizing the time and effort required for periodic tasks .
  • Take More time to Present and Review your Reports Rather than Creating it.
  • Minimize the time of Creating Baseline Programme (Repetitive projects).
  • More Visualization of Reports By automation of Layouts Progress Coloring.
  • Minimize the time of Creating Resource Dictionary.


  • Basic Knowledge of Excel & Basic Knowledge of Primavera.
  • Basic Knowledge of Planning & Reporting.

Course Material

  • Course Presentation
  • VBA Codes
  • Excel templates
  • XERs


Practical Report Automation Using Excel VBA (PAR)

Duration : 35 Hours

Sessions : 3 Lessons


Language : ARABIC

price : 1800 EGP